Hazard Identified? / Risks from it? | Category | Who is at risk? | How are the risks already controlled? What extra controls are needed? | What has changed that needs to be thought about and controlled? |
Hazard – something that may cause harm or damage. Risk – the chance of it happening. | Category to help organise risks | Young people, Leaders, Visitors? | Controls – Ways of making the activity safer by removing or reducing the risk from it. For example - you might use a different piece of equipment or you might change the way the activity is carried out. | Keep checking throughout the activity in case you need to change it…or even stop it! This is a great place to add comments which will be used as part of the review. |
Over shot arrows
Risk: Bruising and eye injury | | All present | Set up range towards a fence or wall, away from where participants may be. | |
Arrow collection
Risk: Bruising and eye injury | | All present | No running in designated area. Ensure all participants have finished shooting before collecting arrows. | |
Bow string
Risk: Abrasion, bruising to arm | | All present | Long hair tied back. Loose clothing tucked away. | |
Faulty Equipment
Risk: Bruises, cuts and abrasions | | All present | All equipment inspected before use and visual checks throughout. | |
Incorrect technique
Risk: Sprains, strains and bruises to fingers | | All present | Clear demonstration and instructions. On-going monitoring and advice | |
Stray arrows
Risk: Bruising and eye injury | | All present | Arrows must always be pointing toward the target. | |
Unsupervised access
Risk: Bruising, eye injury | | All present | Supervised by a responsible adult. Bows and arrows removed when activity is unsupervised. | |