Name of
activity /
event /
Cricket Camp - Bat & Ball Games Date of risk assessment 07/03/2024 Name of who undertook this risk assessment M L
Date of next review 31/03/2025

Hazard Identified? /
Risks from it?
CategoryWho is at risk?How are the risks already controlled?
What extra controls are needed?
What has changed that needs to be thought about and controlled?
Hazard – something that may cause harm or damage.
Risk – the chance of it happening.
Category to help organise risksYoung people,
Controls – Ways of making the activity safer by removing or reducing the risk from it.
For example - you might use a different piece of equipment or you might change the way the activity is carried out.
Keep checking throughout the activity in case you need to change it…or even stop it! This is a great place to add comments which will be used as part of the review.
Playing area, slips and trips

Risk: Broken limbs, sprains, bruises and cuts
All presentPlaying areas/surfaces and pitches are checked before and after any striking a fielding game, this will reduce the risk of slips and trips.

The activity leader will also ensure there is enough space for all children to play appropriately.
Weather conditions

Risk: Sun burn, hyperthermia, hypothermia, dehydration.
All presentLeaders to ensure that children are appropriately dressed for striking and fielding games – waterproofs, gloves, hats, sun cream etc. Sessions may have to be postponed due to extreme weather conditions – high winds, heavy rain and reduced visibility.
Faulty or misused equipment

Risk: Broken limbs, sprains, bruises and cuts
All presentAll equipment will be checked and assessed before it is used, all equipment is well maintained and in good working order. All equipment is stored safely and out of the way during games and activities to reduce children slipping or tripping over it.
Collision with another participant

Risk: Broken limbs, sprains, bruises and cuts
All presentLeader supervision to ensure children are suitably managed and kept safe.
Children being hit by a moving object (Bat or ball)

Risk: Broken limbs, bruises and cuts
All presentThe activity leader will also ensure there is enough space for all children to play appropriately. Wicket keepers/ backstops positioned to avoid batters backswing. Fielders are positioned away from the batter. Players reminded to keep eye on the ball. Leader supervision to ensure children are suitably managed and kept safe.