Hazard Identified? / Risks from it? | Category | Who is at risk? | How are the risks already controlled? What extra controls are needed? | What has changed that needs to be thought about and controlled? |
Hazard – something that may cause harm or damage. Risk – the chance of it happening. | Category to help organise risks | Young people, Leaders, Visitors? | Controls – Ways of making the activity safer by removing or reducing the risk from it. For example - you might use a different piece of equipment or you might change the way the activity is carried out. | Keep checking throughout the activity in case you need to change it…or even stop it! This is a great place to add comments which will be used as part of the review. |
Slips, trips and falls | | All present | Sensible outdoor shoes advised. Participants discouraged from running the course in overgrown areas. Extra care advised after dark, use of torches. Children working in small groups. Advise groups of animal holes, molehills, tree roots and plant stems. | |
Toxic or harmful plants | | All present | Groups should be advised to wash hands after activity and not to put their fingers or any berries, toadstools/mushrooms into their mouths. Participants should also be warned to avoid contact with stinging nettles, brambles and bracken sporing in late summer and not to touch or pick wild flowers. | |
Environmental factors – insect bites, allergic reactions | | All present | There is a risk of insect bites. Recommend participants bring their own insect repellent. There is a risk of hay fever and other such allergic reactions and participants should bring necessary medication. | |