Name of
activity /
event /
Family Camp / District Water Activities Day Date of risk assessment 05/09/2024 Name of who undertook this risk assessment P C
Date of next review 04/07/2024

Hazard Identified? /
Risks from it?
CategoryWho is at risk?How are the risks already controlled?
What extra controls are needed?
What has changed that needs to be thought about and controlled?
Hazard – something that may cause harm or damage.
Risk – the chance of it happening.
Category to help organise risksYoung people,
Controls – Ways of making the activity safer by removing or reducing the risk from it.
For example - you might use a different piece of equipment or you might change the way the activity is carried out.
Keep checking throughout the activity in case you need to change it…or even stop it! This is a great place to add comments which will be used as part of the review.
Boating - River Conditions UnsuitableGeneral Water ActivitiesAllCheck EA Boards
Check river flow rate
Check Tide Tables and Atlas if Tidal
Check Weather Forecast
Have Plan B ready with shorted sessions or plan for cancellation

Paxmead - Exposed metalwork, nails, screws on jetties or pontoonsCuts and BruisesAllCheck jetties and Pontoons for exposed metalwork or or potential exposed metalwork.
Ensure that shoes are worn
Paxmead - Jetty or Pontoon SlipperyTrips, slips and FallsAllEnsure jetties and pontoons are clean and in good repair
Paxmead - Underwater hazardsTrips, slips and FallsAllCheck around slipways and jetties for underwater hazards
Rafting - Underwater hazardsTrips, slips and FallsAllEnsure that bank is clear of obstructions and that there is a clear space in the shallows for launching and recovering rafts
Boating - Water traffic levels highGeneral Water ActivitiesAllCheck for Events happening on the river via the environment agency. If events are occurring, find out the open navigation channel.

Paddlers instructed to be aware of other water users and how to take appropriate/avoiding

Boating - DrowningWater ActivitiesALLBuoyancy Aids need to be fitted correctly and worn at all times when near the water
Participants need to be able to swim 50 in clothing. Participants should have basic skills in water rescue techniques, self rescue and group rescue should be practiced prior to departure. 

Boating - ExposureWater ActivitiesALLEnsure appropriate clothing is worn for conditions
Ensure that space blankets or survival jackets are available if needed.
Communicate plans for removing YP from the activity in case of Hypothermia
Ensure provision is made for shade and water.

Boating - ImpactWater ActivitiesALLConsider using helmets
Ensure good control over the group
Keep a close eye on horseplay or potential impact hazards. Check route to ensure if helmets are required. 

Paxmead - tent and Gazebo Guy LinesTrips, slips and FallsALLCordon off Camping area for Event team
Peg Gazebos in as vertical as possible
Paxmead - CampfireBurns and ScaldsParticipantsSafety Warning as part of briefing
Parent or Adult volunteer to supervise
Paxmead - Traffic managementParticipant managementALLEnsure there is a one way system for Vehicles to drop off and leave
Paxmead - Climbing WallTrips, slips and FallsALLSafety Briefing
Maximum numbers
Maybe ask an Adult or Explorer to supervise
Paxmead - Container and other buildingsTrips, slips and FallsParticipantsStrict rule about non used areas being out of bounds
Injury or SicknessCuts and BruisesALLNominated first Aider on Duty at all times.
Equipped with Radio and first aid kit
Safety Boats to Carry first aid kit
Leaders of remote groups to carry small first aid kits and radios
Water Quality - hand Washing
ActivitiesAll Participants
Ensure that handwashing facilities are available and easily accessible.
Reinforce instructions to wash hands after being in or on the river and always before meals or eating