Name of Section or Activity 102nd Leicester (Aylestone St Andrews) Cub Section meeting Outdoors at horse paddock just of Braunstone Lane East Date of risk assessment 12/09/2021 Name of who undertook this risk assessment A W COVID-19 readiness level transition Red to Amber

Hazard Identified? /
Risks from it?
CategoryWho is at risk?How are the risks already controlled?
What extra controls are needed?
What has changed that needs to be thought about and controlled?
Hazard – something that may cause harm or damage.
Risk – the chance of it happening.
Category to help organise risksYoung people,
Controls – Ways of making the activity safer by removing or reducing the risk from it.
For example - you might use a different piece of equipment or you might change the way the activity is carried out.
Keep checking throughout the activity in case you need to change it…or even stop it! This is a great place to add comments which will be used as part of the review.
Hazard – Activities
Risk – Trips, falls, collision, twisted ankle, Broken Ankles 
COVID 19Young People, Adults, Parents
The Leader in Charge should know the location and write a separate risk assessment for the location they are using for meetings. 

Light levels and ground conditions need to be considered before meetings take place. 


The rules of any activity should be clearly understood by all those taking part. 

All activities should have adequate supervision according to that activities risk assessment or at the very least the minimum ratios as set out in POR.

Hazard – Activity Equipment used by Leaders and Children
Risk – Not cleaned or cleaned properly - Transmission of Virus 
COVID 19Young People, Adults
For games where sanitising equipment before touching by another person isn't a viable option, everybody sanitise hands before using touching equipment and then sanitise after. Verbal instruction not to touch face till after sanitising hands.

Equipment to be cleaned between sessions or uses if sharing with suitable wipes/spray.

Equipment which cannot be cleaned should be quarantined for at least 72 hours before being used again.

Hazard – First Aid
Risk – Breaking social distancing 
COVID 19Leaders, Young People
Ensure there is a dedicated person responsible for first aid, known to all. 
Ensure First Aid is administered with type II surgical mask, apron & gloves if suitable then young person should wear a face covering if appropriate.

Hazard – Hand washing / Sanitising / Cleaning 
Risk – Allergic Reaction to Soap / Sanitiser / Cleaning Products 
COVID 19Young People, Adults
Parents and Leaders will be asked to check and update personal details on OSM to check we have the latest information, this includes allergies. 

If there is an allergy to any product then a suitable alternative will be acquired and used.

Hazard – Hand washing / Sanitising
Risk – Not completed correctly or at all 
COVID 19Young People, Adults, Parents
Clear instructions of expectations with all involved:
Everyone is expected to wash their hands (with soap) before leaving their home.
Apply hand sanitiser at the start of a meeting.
Apply hand sanitiser as required between activities.
Hand sanitiser must be 60% alcohol to be effective.
Leaders will supervise sanitising to ensure that this is completed properly during meetings.

Hazard – Outdoor Base away from hut
Risk – Challenged about meeting in a large group.
COVID 19Adults
Explain to the person challenging that Scouts are exempt from the restriction as an organised youth organisation working to strict covid regulations.

Hazard – Pick Up and Drop off. 
Risk – Transmission of the Virus.
COVID 19Young People, Adults, Parents
Parents to drop off at Gate where cub is passed over to leader and to move to marker indicated.
Parent encouraged to walk away in a different direction so as not to walk past other parents and Cubs.
If coming in over the style all reminded to sanitise hands.

Hazard – Program

– Not suitable for the current environment.
COVID 19Young People
All efforts have and will continue to be made to plan a varied and relevant programme to allow young people to obtain badges and their relevant Chief Scout Award.  
As COVID controls develop the programme plans will be continuously reviewed and amended accordingly with new activities and opportunities planned once they are safe to do so.

Hazard – Social Distancing During Meeting
Risk – Distancing Broke leading to Transmission of the Virus 
COVID 19Young People, Adults, Parents
Parents need a written agreement via OSM event before rejoining in face to face meetings. 

Leaders to remind young people to distance, allow planning to use items on the floor to achieve distancing.

If rules breached it may lead to not being allowed to attend face to face meetings for a short time. If continually breached may be restricted to zoom meetings only.

Hazard – Transport to/from meeting (Lift Sharing). 
Risk – Transmission of the Virus
COVID 19Young People, Adults
Lift Sharing is not encouraged and should not happen unless there is no other way of the Young Person getting to the meeting. If it does happen, all the people in the vehicle should wear masks.

Numbers for each meeting
COVID 19Young People, Adults, Parents
Numbers for meetings will be kept inline with 'The Scouts' recommendations for Covid 19 or leader to young person ratio for away from the normal meeting place as stated within POR, whichever is smaller.

Written consent to attend meetings at Amber level
COVID 19Young People, Adults, Parents
A red to amber OSM event will be created for parents to mark as permission to attend the meeting.
The event will comprise of the risk assessment for them to read before marking as attending (indicating an opt in).

Review: This risk assessment is for a section to move from one COVID Readiness alert level to the next, an additional risk assessment should be produced for each move proposed.

Checked by Line Manager
Role / level:  HIDDEN
Date:  2021-05-02
Checked by Executive
Role / level:  HIDDEN
Date:  2021-05-04
Approved by Commissioner
Role / level:  HIDDEN
Date:  2021-05-05
Approved by Executive
Role / level:  HIDDEN
Date:  2021-05-04
Notification of level change Date and by who
HIDDEN - 2021-05-05

We take personal data privacy seriously. The data in this form is used to assess the suitability for the return to face to face Scouting based on the controls put in place. The personal data in this form is used to identify the individuals who have completed and approved the risk assessment. This includes the individual who undertook the assessment, the line manager, Executive members and County Commissioner, who will all have access to this data. Scouts headquarters will retain this data for 3 years after the Covid-19 readiness level goes to ‘Green’ and does not return to ‘Amber’ or ‘Red’ to act as evidence of the assessment taking place. For further details on the Scouts data processing stance please visit our Data Protection Policy here.’.