Hazard Identified? / Risks from it? | Category | Who is at risk? | How are the risks already controlled? What extra controls are needed? | What has changed that needs to be thought about and controlled? |
Hazard – something that may cause harm or damage. Risk – the chance of it happening. | Category to help organise risks | Young people, Leaders, Visitors? | Controls – Ways of making the activity safer by removing or reducing the risk from it. For example - you might use a different piece of equipment or you might change the way the activity is carried out. | Keep checking throughout the activity in case you need to change it…or even stop it! This is a great place to add comments which will be used as part of the review. |
Slips, trips & falls – risk of cuts, grazes and bruises | | All present | Participants warned of any significant rabbit/badger/fox holes on site.
Participants warned about exposed tree roots and potential hazards.
All participants to wear appropriate footwear for uneven surfaces.
Use torches when dark and walking around the site.
Group leaders to advise group members of the risks and where appropriate supervise and give instructions. | |
Woodpile, woods & vegetation – splinters, cuts, grazes, stings | | All present | Appropriate footwear to be worn when in the wood pile area.
No climbing on the woodpile.
Care to be taken when collecting wood from the wood pile, e.g. nails.
Group leaders to advise group members of the risks and where appropriate supervise and give instructions. | |
Fire – Burns, smoke inhalation, death. | | All present | Groups must have a fire plan for the duration of their stay, that plan must be explained to group members.
Follow the site’s fire evacuation plan, Group leaders to ensure the evacuation plan is given to group members.
Ground fires are only permitted in the campfire circle and bushcraft area.
Group to bring a first aid kit.
Participants are advised to close etc when smoke is blown in their direction.
Only adults or adult supervision to young people to tend the fire.
Campfire ‘stunts’ not to take place too near to the fire.
Participants to sit/stand in the tiered areas of the campfire circle. | |
Fire spreading out of control | | All present | Spare fire wood to be stored a safe distance away from the fire.
A bucket of water ‘Fire Bucket’ is within the campfire circle at all times.
Area is cleared of any fast-reacting tinder prior to building the campfire. | |
Adverse weather conditions – exposure, hypothermia, heat stroke, falling branches. | | All present | Group leaders to ensure their group members are adequately prepared for the prevailing weather conditions.
Group to camp in an appropriate area as much as reasonably possible.
Site to be closed when a yellow wind warning is forecast.
Site to conduct regular tree surveys. | |