Name of
activity /
event /
Cricket Camp - Caving system Date of risk assessment 05/09/2024 Name of who undertook this risk assessment M L
Date of next review 07/03/2025

Hazard Identified? /
Risks from it?
CategoryWho is at risk?How are the risks already controlled?
What extra controls are needed?
What has changed that needs to be thought about and controlled?
Hazard – something that may cause harm or damage.
Risk – the chance of it happening.
Category to help organise risksYoung people,
Controls – Ways of making the activity safer by removing or reducing the risk from it.
For example - you might use a different piece of equipment or you might change the way the activity is carried out.
Keep checking throughout the activity in case you need to change it…or even stop it! This is a great place to add comments which will be used as part of the review.
Slips, trips & falls – risk of cuts, bruises and grazes All presentAll equipment not being used is put away in the store or stored neatly to the side.

Participants warned about potential hazards.

All participants must be wearing sensible clothing, footwear (closed toe shoes) and PPE.

Group leaders to have a first aid kit available during the activity.
Group behaviour – loss of control of the group, participants being distracted/not listening. All presentGroup leaders are to ensure that the group is under control at all times.

Group leader to stop the session if participant behaviour becomes inappropriate.
Entrapment All presentEntrances to the cave must be no larger than the smallest cave passage.
Unauthorised access – accessing the activity without PPE or supervision. All presentAll access points to be locked when the activity is not in use.

Only authorized persons have a key to the area.

Any access points to have a sign stating ‘No Admittance to Unauthorised Persons.’
Participants being accidentally locked inside the cave All presentConduct a headcount to ensure all participants are out of the case before closing and locking access points.
Structure failure All presentVisual inspections of structure carried out prior to using the system by the group leader.

Detailed annual structure checks carried out and recorded. Areas of concerns to be inspected by competent person.

Any defects noticed should be reported to the site manager.
Escape hatches – individuals falling through unguarded escape hatches. Locked or jammed preventing escape. All presentEscape hatches must be able to support the weight of someone stepping, laying or leaning on them.

Open escape hatches must be managed by the group leader and participants made aware.

Check the hatches are unblocked and in good working order before starting the activity.
Panic attacks All presentGroup leader to offer challenge by choice.