Name of
activity /
event /
Phoenix Campsite - Tomahawk Throwing Date of risk assessment 31/10/2023 Name of who undertook this risk assessment
Date of next review 31/10/2024

Hazard Identified? /
Risks from it?
CategoryWho is at risk?How are the risks already controlled?
What extra controls are needed?
What has changed that needs to be thought about and controlled?
Hazard – something that may cause harm or damage.
Risk – the chance of it happening.
Category to help organise risksYoung people,
Controls – Ways of making the activity safer by removing or reducing the risk from it.
For example - you might use a different piece of equipment or you might change the way the activity is carried out.
Keep checking throughout the activity in case you need to change it…or even stop it! This is a great place to add comments which will be used as part of the review.
Accidental backwards throw
Axes & Saws, Activities outsideAll PresentClear instructions to participants

Nobody is to stand directly behind the throwers, 

Participants waiting to be in line of site of instructor.

Handling of AxesAxes & Saws, Activities outsideAll PresentAll people throwing must wear suitable footwear and clothing to minimise the risk of any injury resulting from accidentally dropping the equipment or a rebound from the target. The wearing of neckers or hoodies is prohibited during this activity.

Activity leaders must ensure that each person taking part has the strength and are able to do so safely according to their own training.  The age, maturity and ability of each participant should be considered

When transporting a tomahawk, the participant should walk and hold the tomahawk to the side of their body with sharp edges downwards and away from the body and other people.

A maximum of three mini-tomahawks should be thrown before collected

Participants deemed to be deliberately throwing too aggressively should be managed appropriately by the activity leader to ensure their own and others safety.

Improper setup of site.

Risk of injury through rebound or walking into thowing area.
Set up should following guidance on

Maximum of three targets. Targets should be a minimum of 3m through throwing line.

Clear space 8m behind targets

Clear space 4m behind throwing line

Area should be marked, unless using the full field - in which case the full field is out of bounds except to participants.

Injury retrieving axes
Axes & Saws, Active GamesAll taking part
Clear instructions given on how to safely remove axes from target - instructor to monitor removals and provide support where required.  All axes to be removed from target before any on the floor to reduce the risk of head injury from banging head on axes in target. If two axes are stuck close together explain how to remove without trapping fingers and let the YP know to ask a leader if they are not comfortable removing axes.


Instructor to have suitable experience of monitoring and supervising tomahawk throwing.

The activity leader is the only person who can instruct a thrower to remove a tomahawk from a target unless they have explicitly delegated or shared this responsibility.

Throwers collecting or throwing before the range is ready

Risk of injury from axe throw.

Activities outside, Axes & SawsYoung People
Clear commands to be used, “Range clear to throw, Range clear to collect” at the correct times. Leader to make sure all axes are thrown before clearing range to collect and range is clear and safe before clear to throw.

When the command "STOP" is called everything must be halted immediately.

Regular reminders to young people. Activity should be stopped immediately if young people are unable to follow these instructions.

Type of axe
Only approved mini tomahawks can be thrown.

Instructor to check quality.

Under no circumstances can knives be thrown.

Unsecured targetAxes & Saws, Activities outsideAll Present
Target stands to be correctly erected with legs fully extended, ground pegs to be used in the back legs.