Name of
activity /
event /
ON & Around Site Date of risk assessment 23/03/2024 Name of who undertook this risk assessment A S
Date of next review 22/02/2025

Hazard Identified? /
Risks from it?
Who is at risk?How are the risks already controlled?
What extra controls are needed?
What has changed that needs to be thought about and controlled?
Hazard – something that may cause harm or damage.
Risk – the chance of it happening.
Young people,
Controls – Ways of making the activity safer by removing or reducing the risk from it.
For example - you might use a different piece of equipment or you might change the way the activity is carried out.
Keep checking throughout the activity in case you need to change it…or even stop it! This is a great place to add comments which will be used as part of the review.
Injuries, Trips and falls.
Due to uneven terrain, mud, holes etc,
Young People,Leaders,Trent Lock SAC staff
Pre camp briefing warning of uneven ground,
not to run around tents and other areas marked out     

falling into river 
Young People,Leaders,Trent Lock SAC staff
signage up warning to have life jacket/ Bouncy aid on past that point.
Not aloud on landing stage when Activities have finished.


Accidents, injuries, illness due to inappropriate clothing/footwear.
Young People, Leaders, Trent Lock SAC staff
Advise all possible participants on how to dress suitably before the event/activity.
Ensure everyone is dressed correctly before Activates.
Foot wear to be worn at all times when moving around the site 

Lack of visibility if out at night in the dark
Young People, Leaders, Trent Lock SAC staff
Torches can be used whilst in field areas so long as kept down and used properly.
Participants encouraged to let their eyes get used to the dark.
Safety talk to be given at the starts of camp so that everybody is aware of the dangers of poor visibility - both you being able to see and other people seeing you, and use of lights/torches.

Injuries when using Power toolsTrent Lock SAC staff
only operated if trained 
PPE provided and advised to use.
To be aware of surroundings 
Mains powered tools to have PAT tests every 12 months

Weil's disease / Leptospirosis
In house training provided to staff on risks.
clean any wounds as soon as possible
cover any cuts and grazes with waterproof plasters
Where dead rodent require retrieval technical tools eg) litter picker to be used.
Washing facilities eg) waterless soap,hand sanitizer to be provided
Hands to be washed prior to eating. DO not eat, drink or smoke before hands clean
shower as soon as possible if you've been in potentially infected water
do not drink water from places like rivers, canals or lakes
If flu like symptoms develop consult your doctor immediately